It's Tip 3 time... In case you missed what's going on, this week, I'm sharing 5 easy and FREE steps to improve your well-being just by changing up the space you live. start here, tip #1, tip #2. Before we move on to tip #3...you should be proud of how far you have come. This step is fast and really transforming.
Sure deep clean if that's your jam, (spoiler-it's not mine) but simply folding blankets, picking up socks, putting toys away, stacking magazines/books, putting dirty dishes in the sink, making your bed, or putting throw pillows back on the couch without dusting or vacuuming makes a HUGE impact visually & mentally. Win! Win!
What a difference 10 - 15 minutes can make.

Tidy room, calm mind, happy you!
See ya tomorrow for tip #4.